Sun Revolves as a Gravitational Force
आ कृष्णेन रजसा वर्त्तमानो निवेशयन्नमृतं मर्त्य च् | हिरण्ययेन सविता रथेना देवो याति भुवनानि पश्यन || YV 33.43
A kreeshnena rajasaa varttamaano niveshayannamatam martyam cha, Hiranyayena savitaa rathenaa devo yaati bhuvanaani pashyan. YV 33.43
Meaning: Savita, the sun, with his force of gravity and sphere of light revolves (in its space), sustaining all its mortal and immortal family in place. By the golden chariot of splendor, the lord of light travels on, watching the various worlds of space.
Earth Moves around the Sun
आयं गौः पृष्निरक्र्मीदसदन मातरं पुरः | पितरं च् प्रयन्त्स्वः || YV 3.6
Ayam gauh pasnirakrameedasadan maataram
Purah, Pitaram cha prayantsvah.YV 3.6
Meaning: This earth, child of the sun and waters in space — solid concentration of agni (fire) and apah (waters) — revolves in its orbit around the sun, its father and sustainer in heaven, through the presence of its mother, the waters in space.
Here earth is depicted as a child of sun (father) and space-waters (mother). Earth made of solids, fire and waters revolves in its orbit around the sun.
Build Airplanes
युवमेतं चक्रथुः सिन्धुषु प्लवमात्मन्वन्तं पक्षिणं तौग्र्याय कम | येन देवत्रा मनसा निरूहथुः सुपप्तनी पेतथुः क्षोदसो महः|| RV 1.182.5
Yuvametam chakrathuh sindhushu plavamaatmanvantam
pakshinam taugryaaya kam. Yena devatraa manasaa nirµuhathuh supaptanee petathuh kshodaso mahah.RV 1.182.5
Meaning: Ashvins, scholar of science and technologist of marine engineering and aeronautics, both create the safe and comfortable winged boat, self-powered and self-propelled, moving through and over the seas for the strongest man among the strong by which you, noblest among the noble people, with your science and skill, fly like birds and cross the wide seas.
Fire is Energy
स श्वितानस्तन्यतू रोचनस्था अजरेभिर्नान्दद्धिर्यविष्ठः | यः पावकः पुरुतमः पुरूणि पृथुन्यन्गिरनुयाति भर्वन || RV 6.6.2
Sa shvitaanastanyatu rocanasthaa ajarebhirnanadadbhir-yavishthha, Yah paavakah purutamah purµuni prithunyagnir-anuyaati bharvan. RV 6.6.2
Meaning: That energy Agni, which is brilliant, expansive and roaring, constant in light without a flicker, abiding in imperishable thunder and lightning, is the fire purifier which lies dormant in many forms in solids, and it is versatile and explosive.
Mathematics — Addition, Subtraction etc.
एका च् मे तिस्त्रश्च मे पञ्च च् मे पञ्च च् मे सप्त च् मे सप्त च् मे नव च् म्एकादश च म्एकादश च् मे त्रयोदश………………YV 18.24
Eka cha me tistrashcha me tistrashchn me pancha cha me pancha cha me sapta cha me sapta cha me nava cha me nava cha maiekaadasha cha maiekaadasha cha me trayodasha……… yajena kalpantam. YV 18.24
Meaning: By yajna, the process of addition and collection, may the numbers increase and be good and auspicious for me and for all: One is mine and unity is mine. (And one and one becomes two, and one plus two becomes three. In this way, in this progression) three is mine, and three is mine, and five is mine, and five is mine, and seven is mine, and seven is mine, and nine is mine, and nine is mine, and eleven is mine, and eleven is mine, and thirteen is mine, and thirteen is mine, and fifteen is mine, and fifteen is mine, and seventeen is mine, and
seventeen is mine, and nineteen is mine and nineteen is mine, and twenty one is mine, and twenty one is mine, and twenty three is mine, and twenty three is mine, and twenty five is mine, and twenty five is mine, and twenty seven is mine, and twenty seven is mine, and twenty nine is mine, and twenty nine is mine, and thirty one is mine, and thirty one is mine, and thirty three is mine, and so on the numbers may increase and be good and auspicious for me and for all by the process of yajna in progression till infinity.
Also: By implication, by the same process of yajna which also means ‘dana’, giving away, we have the progression in the reverse direction by subtraction. The meaning of the mantra then would be: Thirty-three is mine, give away two and thirty one is mine, thirty-one is mine, minus two, twenty nine is mine and so on. In the same way, by implication, we can work out the process of multiplication, and division and the process of squaring and cubing and square-root, etc. Further, we can move from arithmetic to algebra and other branches of mathematics.
चतस्त्रश्च मेष्टौ च् मेष्टौ च् मे द्वादश च् मे द्वादश च् मे षोडश च् मे षोडश च् मे विंशतिश्च मे विंशतिश्च मे चतुर्विम्शतिश्च………YV 18.25
Chatastrshcha meshtau cha meshtau me dvaadasha cha me dvadasha cha me shodasha cha me shodasha cha me vimshatishcha me vimshatishcha me chaturvimshatishcha…. yajena kalpantam.YV 18.25
Meaning: By yajna, the process of addition and collection, may the numbers increase and be good and auspicious for me and for all: Four is mine, and four is mine, eight is mine. Eight is mine, and four, twelve is mine. Twelve is mine, plus four, sixteen is mine. Sixteen is mine, add four, and twenty is mine. Twenty is mine, and twenty four is mine. Twenty four is mine, and twenty eight is mine. Twenty eight is mine and thirty two is mine. Thirty two is mine, and thirty six is mine. Thirty six is mine, and forty is mine. Forty is mine, and forty four is mine. Forty four is mine, and forth eight is mine. And so on the numbers may increase till infinity by yajna, for me and for all for the good of life and joy. Also: By implication, the mantra can be applied to the process of yajna by ‘dana’, gifting away, subtraction, by four, from forty-eight down to four and so on. The mantra can also be applied to the process of multiplication. In fact, the mantra itself gives the multiplication table up to twelve times four and so on. So too the mantra may be interpreted as showing the process of division since it gives a table of the division of forty eight by four upto twelve times.
Gross Happiness Entrepreneurship
Life Sustainability by Technology
अश्विना यज्वरीरिषो द्रवत्पाणी शुभस्पती । पुरुभुजा चनस्यतम् ।। RV 1.3.1
Ashvinaa yajvreesho drvatpaanee shubhaspatee, purubhujaa chanasyatama. RV 1.3.1
Meaning: Ashvins, fire and water, are powers of the Divine for quick motion through yajnic science. They are sources of splendor, food and energy, comfort and joy. Men of learning and science, let the two be developed in a spirit of delight and dedication.
Technical Education
अश्विना पुरुदंससा नरा शवीरया धिया । धिष्ण्या वनतं गिर: ।। RV 1.3.2
Ashvinaa purudmsasaa naraa shaveerayaa dhiyaa, dhishnyaa vanatam girah. RV 1.3.2
Meaning: Ashvins, divine powers of creative energy working through fire and water, are wondrous heroic achievers of mighty deeds with relentless acts of scientific study and research. Rich and generous, may they respond to our invocations and grant our voice of hope and prayer.
Knowledge to Remove Hardship
दस्रा युवाकव: सुता नासत्या वृक्तबर्हिष: । आ यातं रुद्रवर्तनी ।। RV1.3.3
Dastraa yuvaakavah sutaa naasatyaa vrikttbarhishah, aa yaatam rudrvartnee. RV 1.3.3
Meaning: Scholars of distinction dedicated to divine science, experts of natural metabolism, seated on the sacred vedi (altar) of scientific yajna, working on the marvelous powers of the Ashvins, fire and water, eternal media of divine power, for the elimination of suffering, let the gifts of divinity come (for the benefit of humanity).
Gifts of Free enterprise
इन्द्रा याहि चित्रभानो सुता इमे त्वायव: । अण्वीभिस्तना पूतास: ।। RV1.3.4
Indraa yaahi chitrabhaano sutaa ime tvaayavah, anveebhistanaa putaasah. RV 1.3.4
Meaning: The entrepreneurs by utilizing their knowledge and paying attention to the minutest inputs create by their efforts amazingly useful results.
Creation of Innovative Products
इन्द्रा याहि धियेषितो विप्रजूत: सुतावत: । उप ब्रह्माणि वाघत: ।। RV1.3.5
Indraa yaahi dhiyeshito viprajutah sutaavatah upa brhmaani vaaghatah. RV 1.3.5
Meaning: The entrepreneurs by intelligent knowledge application create very useful products.
New Technological Products
इन्द्रा याहि तूतुजान उपब्रह्माणि हरिव: । सुते दधिष्व नश्चन: ।। RV1.3.6
Indraa yaahi tuutujaan upabrhmaani harivah, sute dadhishva nashchanah. RV 1.3.6
Meaning: The entrepreneurs create useful food etc. every day use products by excellent knowledge base highly productive methods.
Objects of Technical Education
ओमासश्चर्षणीधृतो विश्वे देवास आ गत । दाश्वांसो दाशुष: सुतम् ।। RV1.3.7
Omaasashrvarshaneedhreeto vishve devaasa aa gata,
Daashvamso daashushaha sutama. RV 1.3.7
Meaning: Come ye, lovers of Om, lord creator and protector of the universe, masters of light and lovers of humanity, noblest visionaries of the world, generous givers and benefactors of all, come and give us the essence and wisdom distilled from life and literature.
Role of Teachers
विश्वे देवासो अप्तुर: सुतमा गन्त तूर्णय: । उस्रा इव स्वसराणि ।। RV1.3.8
Vishve devaaso asurah sutamaa ganta turnyah, ustra iva svasaraani. RV 1.3.8
Meaning: Visionaries of the world, generous givers, wise scholars of life and literature, fast as winds and eager as dawn for the day and mother-cow for the calf in the stall, come to your own and bring us the essences of knowledge and wisdom.
Results of Education
विश्वे देवासो अस्रिध एहिमायासो अद्रुह: । मेधं जुषन्त वह्नय: ।। RV1.3.9
Vishve devaaso astridha ehimaayaaso addhahh, medham jushanta vahanayah. RV 1.3.9
Meaning: Confident of their knowledge, knowledge based action oriented community all knowledgeable persons by implementing your knowledge based skills without causing destruction (to environment and society) bring welfare to all.
Light of Knowledge
पावका न: सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनिवती । यज्ञं वष्टु धियावसु: ।।RV 1.3.10
Paavakaa nah sarasvatee vaajebhirvaajinivatee, yagyam vashtu dhiyaavasuah. RV 1.3.10
Meaning: May Sarasvati, goddess of divine speech, mother knowledge of arts, science and divinity, come with gifts of food for the mind and intellect and purify us with the light of knowledge. May the mother grace our yajna of arts and sciences and bless us with the light divine.
Take Ethical Stand
चोदयित्री सूनृतानां चेतन्ती सुमतीनाम् | यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती ।। RV1.3.11
Chodyitree suunreetaanaam chetantee sumateenaama, yagyam dadhe sarasvatee. RV 1.3.11
Meaning: Sarsvati mother stream of eternal knowledge and divine speech, inspires the seekers of universal truth and cosmic law and enlightens the admirers of noble wisdom and understanding. The divine flow of light and knowledge carries on the universal yajna of nature and humanity.
Secret of Success — Excellent Articulation
महो अर्ण: सरस्वती प्र चेतयति केतुना । यो विश्वा वि राजति ।। RV1.3.12
Maho arnah sarasvati pra chetayati ketunaa, yo vishva vi raajti. RV 1.3.12
Meaning: Sarasvati, mighty ocean flow of mother knowledge and divine speech, shines with her radiance of omniscience and illuminates the universal mind and the minds of humanity across the worlds of existence.