
Worship Only the Absolute
यो भूतं च् भव्यं च् सर्वं यश्चाधितिष्ठ्ति | स्व’र्यस्य च् केवलं तस्मै ज्येष्ठाय ब्रह्मणे नमः || AV10.8.1
Yo bhutam cha bhavyam cha sarvam yashchadhiti shthati. Svaryasya cha kevalam tasmai jyeshthhaaya brahmane namah. AV 10.8.1

Meaning: To the One Supreme Absolute Brahma who ordains, rules and presides over all that is, has been, and all that shall be, whose nature and being is pure light and absolute joy, homage of worship and surrender.

Worshipper of Forms Fall in Deep Darkness
अन्धन्तमः प्र विशन्ति ये सम्भूतिमुपासते |
ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ सम्भूत्यां रताः || YV 40.9
Andhantamah pra vishanti yei sambhμutimupaasate,
Tato bhμuya iva te tamo ya u sambhμutyaam rataah. YV 40.9

Meaning: Down into the darkest dark do they fall who worship only the primordial prakriti (nature). Still deeper and darker do they fall who worship only the existential forms and are lost therein.
Worshipping we do is not for God. It does not affect God in any way. Worshipping God means thinking of His qualities and making those qualities part of your own life. For example — He always does justice without any prejudice; He always does the right thing, never does anything wrong; God knows everything; God is holy and does not have any flaws; God is kind — because of his kindness he has given thousands of things for our use. We too ought to be just, righteous, knowledgeable, holy, kind, etc. to uplift our soul. This is the true meaning of God’s Worship.

Praise, Pray and Meditate

God is worshiped three ways:
1. Glorification or praise – Devotion and praise of God creates love for Him. Attaining His qualities of Justice, Kindness, Caring, Nurturing, etc. is the purpose of God’s praise.

हिरण्मयेन पात्रेन सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम | यो’सावादित्ये पुरुषः सो’सावहम | औउम् खं ब्रह्म || YV 40.17
Hiranmayena paatrena satyasyaapihitam mukham.
Yo saavaaditye purushah so saavaham. Om kham
brahma.YV 40.17

Meaning: The face of truth is covered by a golden veil.
The veil is removed by the Lord of golden glory. (Material attractions does not let one know the truth, only by Gods will one knows the truth). The life and light that shines in the sun is that Supreme Purusha (God). That is there, and that is here in me. Om is the savior. Om is Brahma, Brahma is infinite, sublime.

2. Prayers bring humility and courage. Prayers followed with sincere efforts bring results. For example, if one is praying for wisdom and guidance, he/she ought to make all the efforts to get it by reading, listening, thinking and analyzing what was heard or read, then examining for facts. When one is in a situation and not been able to decide or know the right path, meditation also helps. Famous quote is ‘God helps those who help themselves’. Prayers should be for the virtue, never to destroy the personal enemies. God is the ultimate judge and His justice will eventually prevail.

Prayer for Enlightenment
पुनन्तु मा देवजनाः पुनन्तु मनसा धियः |
पुनन्तु विश्वा भूतानि जातवेदः पुनीहि मा || YV 19.39
Punantu maa devajanaah punantu manasaa dhiyah,
Punantu vishvaa bhμutaani jaatavedah puneehi maa. YV 19.39

Meaning: Jataveda, lord of light and knowledge, purify and enlighten me. May all the saints and sages purify me. Purify my intelligence and understanding with divine knowledge and science. May all the living beings, in fact everything of the wide world, lead me to knowledge and purity.

Prayer to Vanish Evil Worldwide
विश्वानि देव सवितर्दुरितानि परा सुव | यद्भद्रं तन्नआसुव || YV 30.3
Vishvaani deva savitarduritaani paraa suva,
Yadbhadram tanna aa suva. YV 30.3

Meaning: Savita, glorious lord of inspiration, light and life, remove all the evil of the world from us, and bless us with all that is good.

Prayer for Noble Thoughts
यज्जाग्रतो दूरमुदेति देवं तदु सुप्तस्य तथेवेती | दूर्गम जयोतिषां ज्योतिरेकं तन्मे मनः शिवसंकल्पमस्तु || YV 34.1
Yajjaagrato dμuramudaiti daivam tadu suptasya tathaivaiti, Duragama jyotishaam jyotirekam tanme manah shivasankalpamastu.YV 34.1

Meaning: The ‘Daiva mind’, perceptive faculty of the
intelligent soul, which in the waking state goes far and
shines, which in the dream state also roams around the
same way and takes us far, that one unique light of lights, that mind of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts, intentions and resolutions.

Prayer for Honesty and Simplicity
अग्ने नय सुपथा राये’अस्मान विश्वानि देव वयुनानि विद्वान | युयोध्यस्मज्जुहुराणमेनो भूयिष्ठां ते नम’उक्तिं विधेम || YV 40.16
Agne naya supathaa rayei-asmaan vishvaani deva
vayunaani vidvaan, Yuyodhyasmajjuhuraanameno
bhuyishthaan te nama uktim vidhema.YV 40.16

Meaning: Agni, brilliant lord omniscient of all the laws and ways of existence, lead us to the wealth of life by the right path of honesty and simplicity. Remove from us all sin and crookedness. We sing the most joyous songs of celebration in praise of you. Homage to you again and again.

Prayer for Peace
शं नो मित्रः शं वरुणः शं नो भवत्वर्यमा | शं न इन्द्रो ब्रीहस्पतिः शं नो विष्णुरुरुक्रमः || RV 1.90.9
shano mitrah sham varunah shno bhavatvaryamaa, sham na indro breehaspatih shno vishnuururukrama, RV 1.90.9

Meaning: May Mitra bless us with peace. May Varuna bring us peace. MayAryama lead us to peace. May Indra and Brhaspati shower us with peace. May Vishnu, lord of mighty action, bless us with peace and action. (Mitra-Friend, Varuna-Pure, Aryama-Judge, Indra-All powerful, Brahaspati-Greatest, Vishnu-All Pervading – all names used here are for same one God)

Prayer for Purity of Mind
परो पेहि मनस्पाप् किमशस्तानि शंससि | परेहि न त्वा कामये वृक्षां वनानि सं चर ग्रीहेषु गोषु मे मनः || AV 6.45.1
Paro pehi manaspaapa kimashastaani shansasi.Parehi na tvaa kaamaye varikshaam vanaani sa chara greeheshu goshu me manah. AV 6.45.1

Meaning: Go off, evil of the mind, why do you present things undesirable? Keep off. I do not want you. Go about woods and trees. My mind is in and with the home and homely thoughts and perceptions.

Do not let me sin
यदि जाग्रद्यदि स्वपन्नेन एनस्यो’करम | भूतं मा तस्माद्धव्यं च् द्रुपदादिव मुञ्चताम || AV 6.115.2
Yadi jaagrdydi svapannena enasyo’karam.
Bhμutam maa tasmaadbhavyam cha drupadadiva
munchataama.AV 6.115.2

Meaning: Whatever the sin or evil I have committed or I have wished to commit, whether when awake or asleep, then, the sinner as I am, may all people now present and all those people that will be present in future rescue and redeem me from that sin like one tied to the stake.

Prayer for Blessings
अन्नादयेन यशसा तेजसा ब्राह्म्नवर्चसेन || AV 13.4.49
Annadyena yashasaa tejasaa braahmanavarchasena. AV 13.4.49
Meaning: Look at me love and favor, bless me with food and nourishment, honor and fame, luster and splendor, and the light and brilliance worthy of a brahma (God).
3. Meditation – The Sanskrit word for meditation is Upaasna, meaning sitting near, or sitting with God. Therefore, for meditation one needs to devote full attention to God who is the creator of the universe. Mind crowded with thoughts does not bring results. During meditation, one must make all the efforts to avoid thoughts. Fix the attention on the navel region, heart, tip of nose, tip of tongue, between eye brows or spine. One should get absorbed in God by contemplating on His name ‘Om’ and His attributes. With the regular such practice for at least an hour, followed with virtuous conduct, one advances in knowledge and wisdom and attains liberation or Moksha.
With meditation soul gets rid of impurities, pains and sufferings; it becomes pure and content. In addition to many divine benefits, the soul becomes capable of facing mountain of misery without getting mentally disturbed.

Worshipping God is showing gratitude for His kindness. God has provided this wonderful creation and the things, not to think of Him is being ungrateful.
More Prayers and Blessings
Common Prayer
ओजो स्योजो मे दाः|| सहो सि सहो मे दाः || बलमसि बलं मे दाः ||
आयुर स्यायुर्मे दाः || श्रोत्रमसि श्रोत्रं मे दाः || चक्षुरसि चक्षुर्मे दाः || AV 2.17.1—6
Ojo syojo me daah. Sahoisi saho me daah.
Balamasi balam me daah. Ayura syayurme daah.
shrotramasi shrotram me daah. Chakshurasi chakshurme daah. AV 2.17.1—6

1. You are the life and luster of existence. Give me the luster of life.
2. You are courage, patience and fortitude in the spirit of invincible challenge. Give me courage, patience and fortitude.
3. You are the strength of life. Give me strength of body, mind and soul.
4. You are the life itself beyond death. Give me full good health and full age.
5. You are universal power of the ear. Give me the power of hearing for the divine Word.
6. You are the eye of the universe. Give me the divine vision.

Noble Thoughts to come Flowing from All Directions
आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विष्वतो दब्धासो अपरितास उध्दिदः | देवा नो यथा सदमिद वृधे असन्नप्रायुवो रक्षितारो दिवेदिवे || RV 1.89.1
aa no bhadrah kratavo yantu vishvato dabdhaaso
aparitasa uddhidadah, Devaa no yathaa sadmida vridhe
asannapraayuvo rakshitaaro divedive. RV 1.89.1

Meaning: From all sides, may noble thoughts, actions and
meritorious people come and bless us, people fearless,
indispensable, creative and all round saviors. Long
lived they be, these noble ones of divine character, ever
progressive and protective for us so that our life and
home may grow and advance day by day.

Be good and sweet
मधु वाता रीतायाते मधु क्षरन्ति सिन्धवः | माध्वीर्नः सन्त्वोषधीः || YV 13.27
Madhu vaataa ritaayaate madhu ksharanti sindhavah,
Maadhveernah santvoshadheh. YV 13.27

Meaning: The winds blow cool and sweet as honey. The streams and ocean-currents flow cool and sweet as honey. May the herbs and trees be as sweet and pleasant as honey. (Let us too be good and sweet in our conduct as the winds, the streams and the herbs and trees, observing the law and ethics of value.)

कल्पन्तां ते दिशस्तुभ्यमापः शिवतमास्तुभ्यं भवन्तु सिन्धवः | अन्तरिक्षंशिवं तुभ्यं कल्पन्तां ते दिशः सर्वाः || YV 35.9
Kalpantaam te dishastubhyamaapah shivatamaastubhyam
bhavantu sindhavah. Antariksham shivam tubhyam kalpantaam te dishah sarvah. YV 35.9

Meaning: May the space be harmonious and good to you.
May the waters be soothing and blissful to you. May the rivers and the seas be kind and favorable to you. May the skies be kind and generous. And may all the directions feed, nourish, strengthen and season you with love and kindness (for life and death).

Nothing belongs to you
ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत | तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्य स्विद्धनम् || YV 40.1
Ishaa vaasyamidam sarvam yatkinch jagatyaam jagata, Tena tyaktena bhunjeetha maa greedhah kasya sviddhanam. YV 40.1

Meaning: All this that is moving in the moving universe, is pervaded by the Ruling Lord of Existence. Therefore, live it as given by Him, enjoy it objectively in a spirit of detachment. Covet not anyone’s wealth. It belongs to none (except to the Lord).

Day and Night be Auspicious
भद्राहं नो मध्यन्दिने भद्राहं सायमस्तु नः | भद्राहं नो अह्नां प्राता रात्री भद्राहमस्तु नः || AV 6.128.2
Bhadraham no madhyandine bhadraaham saayamastu nah, Bhadraaham no ahnaam praataa ratree bhadraahamastu nah.AV 6.128.2

Meaning: Let the day be auspicious for us at mid-day, let
the day be auspicious in the evening, let the day be auspicious for us in the morning, and let the night too of every day be auspicious for us.

Do not Sell Morals for Wealth
महे चन त्वामद्रिवः परा शुल्काय देयाम |
न सहस्त्राय नायुताय वज्रिवो न शताय शतामघ || RV 8.1.5
Mahe chana tvaam-adrivah paraa shulkaaya deyaam. Na
sahastraaya naayutaaya vajrivo na shataaya shataamagha. RV 8.1.5

Meaning: O lord of infinite wealth, power and majesty, wielder of the thunderbolt of justice and punishment, breaker of the clouds and mountains, bless me that I may never give up my devotion to you for the greatest material return, not for a thousand, not for a million, not even for the boundless wealth of the world.

Havan/Yajna or Holy Fire
Another way to worship God is, with holy fire. Holy fire is called havan or yajna. Vedas speak very highly of havan (holy fire). Holy fire is the Vedas answer to many man caused problems e.g. pollution, global warming, mental and physical diseases, natural calamities like drought or floods etc. Following mantras shed some light in this respect:

समिधाग्निं दुवस्यत घृतैः बोधयतातिथिंम् आस्मिन् हव्या जुहोतन. YV 3.1
Samidhaagni duvasyata ghreete baudhyataatithim aasmin havyaa juhotana. YV 3.1

Meaning: Light up the fire and raise it with fuel, serve it like an honorable guest with pure ghee (clarified butter), and offer rich oblations of samagri (herbs) into it, with love and faith.

अन्नपते न्नस्य नो देहय्नमीवस्य शुष्मिणः |
प्रप्र दातारं तारिष उर्ज नो धेहि दिव्पदे चतुष्पदे || YV 11.83
Annapateinnasya no dehyanam∂vasya shushminah, Pra pra daataraam taarish urja no dhehi dvipade chatupade.YV 11.83

Meaning: God of food and energy, bless us with food, nourishing, invigorating, free from pollution and pleasing to taste. Bless the giver, the yajamana (host), to advance and attain fulfillment and prosperity. Give us energy both for humans and the animals.

य आत्मदा बलदा यस्य विश्व उपासते प्रशिषं यस्य देवाः|
यस्य छाया मृतं यस्य मृत्युः कस्मे देवाय हविषा विधेम || YV. 25.13
Ya atmadaa baladaa yasya vishvaupaasate prahisham yasya devaah, Yasya cchaayaa mreetam yasya mreetyuh kasmai devaaya havishaa vidhema. YV 25.13

Meaning: The Lord who is the giver of birth (body) to the soul with its power and potential, whose glory all the divinities of
the world celebrate in song, whose shade of protection is immortality and falling off is death, to Him we offer our homage and worship in hymns with havi (holy fire offerings).

भद्रं कर्णेभिः श्रीणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः |
स्थिरेरगेस्तुष्टुवा सस्तनुभीवर्यशेमहि देवहितं यदायुः || YV 25.21
Bhadram karnebhih shreenuyaama devaa bhadrm
pashyemakshbhiryajatraah. Sthirairagaistu shutvaa sastanubhirvyashemahi devahitam yadaayuh. YV 25.21

Meaning: Devas, men of knowledge and divinity, dedicated
to yajna, may we hear only good with our ears, may we
see only good with our eyes. Singing songs of praise
with strong and stable limbs, may we live our full span
of life, enjoying with strong and healthy bodies in the
service of God and the divines.
यां मेधां देवगणाः पितरश्चोपास्ते |
तया मामद्य मेधयाग्ने मेधाविन कुरु स्वाहा || YV 32.14
Yaam medhaam devaganaah pitarashcopaasate. Tayaa maamadya medhayaagne medhaavina kuru svaahaa. YV 32.14

Meaning: Agni, lord of light and knowledge, I pray, enlighten me here and now with that discriminative intelligence which the noblest people of piety and senior guardians of humanity value and pray for. This is the voice of the heart in truth of word and

Havan is the Vedas solution to the problem of air and water pollution.

सामन्नु राये निधिमन्न्वन्नं करामहे सु पुरुध श्रवांसि ।
ता नो विश्वानि जरिता ममत्तु परातरं सु निर्ऋतिर्जिहीताम् ।। RV 10.59.2
Saamannu raaye nidhimannvannm karaamahe su purudha shravaansi. Ta no vishvaani jaritaa mamattu paraataram su nirritirjiheetaama. RV 10.59.2
Meaning: With great devotion Yajnas are performed by reciting mantras and singing hymn of Sama Veda. Great attention with faith is paid to wise counsel. Hard work is put in to obtain the material bounties and food. Thus life is sweetened and such a life drives away all the miseries and misfortunes.
अभी ष्वर्य: पौंस्यैर्भवेम द्यौर्न भूमिं गिरयो नाज्रान् ।
ता नो विश्वानि जरिता चिकेत परातरं सु निर्ऋतिर्जिहीताम् ।। RV10.59.3
Abhee shvaryah paunsyairbhavema dyaurna bhµumin girayo naajraan, Taa no vishvaani jaritaa chiketa paraataram su nirritirjiheetama. RV 10.59.3
Meaning: By our learning to live according to laws of the nature, just as solar radiations enrich the entire earth, rains from clouds enrich the entire earth, by living a natural life style, all the opposing elements are overpowered by the blessings of the Almighty, and that drives all the miseries and misfortunes far away.
तत् त्वा यामि ब्रह्मणा वन्दमानस् तदा शास्ते यजमानो हविर्भि: ।
अहेळमानो वरुणेह बोध्युरुशंस मा न आयु: प्रमोषी: ।। RV 1.24.11
Tata tvaa yaami brahmnaa vandamaanas tadaa shaaste yajamaano havirbhih. Ahedmaano varuneha bodhyuru-shamsa maa na ayuh pramoshih. RV 1.24.11
Meaning: Varuna, lord ruler of the stars, praised and celebrated by many, I come to you singing in worship the hymns of divinity, offering holy fragrances in yajna with faith and reverence. Lord kind and gracious, give us the light of life here itself. Let not our life waste away.

तदिन्नक्तं तद् दिवा महयमाहुस् तदयं केतो हृद आ वि चष्टे ।
शुन:शेपो यंमह्वद् गृभीत: सो अस्मान् राजा वरुणो मुमोक्तु ।। RV 1.24.12
Tadinnktm tada divaa mahayamaahusa tadayam keto hrda aa vi chshte shunah shepo yamahvad gribheetah so asmaan raajaa varuno mumokttu. RV 1.24.12

Meaning: In my inner heart I hear the voice advising me to live an orderly life, by giving up hedonistic ways. I seek the blessing to lead a life in tune with order of Nature.
अव ते हेळो वरुण नमोभिरव यज्ञेभिरीमहे हविर्भि: ।
क्षयन्नस्मभ्यमसुर प्रचेता राजन्नेनांसि शिश्रथ: कृतानि ।। RV 1.24.14
Ava te hedo varuna namobhirava yajbhireemahe havirbhih, Kshayannasmabhyamasura prachetaa raajannenaamsi shirshathah kritaani. RV 1.24.14

Meaning: We want to undo the wrath of nature that we have brought upon ourselves (by our neglect of our duties) now by performing Yajnas and offering of havis in the Yajnas. (Yajnas are defined as triple action consisting of charity, community participation and humble prayerful actions by offering of havis in to fire. Offering of havi in to fire is offerings for entire community, atmosphere and living creatures, not in pursuit of personal selfish ends).
What is Holy Fire
By reciting Veda mantras things that can remove impurities from air and water and are beneficial to human beings are put in fire. Fire expands their effect and spreads it far and near in the air, killing disease causing germs. Also that affected air, coming down as rain have a beneficial effect on crops, trees, plants and all living beings.

Requirements for Havan:
1. Fragrance giving herbs like saffron, cardamom and sandalwood,
2. Vitality providing grains like wheat, rice and butter oil,
3. Sweets like raisins, dates and honey,
4. Antibacterial herbs.
5. The wood used as fuel is supposed to be of the kind that gives less smoke and less foul smell when burnt e.g. mango wood.
6. The havan pot (called Yajnakund) is specially designed for this purpose. It stops the fire from spreading on the sides and helps get more fire with less fuel.

All human beings are responsible for polluting air and water, in one way or the other, it is the sacred duty of all to do havan and purify the environment. If everyone does havan on the daily basis, there will not be any pollution or global warming.